Tile Injection-Body Corporate Repairs
Talk to Barefoot Floors about how we can repair drummy or damaged tiles in your building
Got an issue with your tiles that needs attention? Refer us to your body corporate
When you are a tenant or landlord and your building has an issue with loose, drummy or tenting tiles, it can be a hassle trying to find a solution to the problem-after all, often the issue is not restricted to just you! Tiles around pool areas, foyers, hallways, elevators and common areas can all cause issues with the residents of any apartment block, office space or living community.
Luckily Barefoot Floors has years of experience working directly with Body Corporates for all manner of situations, to help find the most cost effective solution to the problem with as little disruption to the lives of the people living in the area.
What do Barefoot Floors offer for Body Corporates?
Barefoot Floors can work directly with the body corporate to help find the best solution for the issue at hand. Not only will be resolve the symptoms of your problem, we will seek to find the SOURCE of the issue and rectify that first and foremost.
When an issue is widespread (through multiple apartments for example), Barefoot Floors can inspect each apartment and provide a detailed quote to fix the issue. Often injecting can save the Body Corporate significantly, as the cost and hassle of ripping up and replacing tiles on a large scale can be monumental!
Tile Injection in action
What is the process?
Barefoot Floors can assist in making the process of getting these repairs done as smooth as possible. Barefoot Floors can provide official inspection reports for all areas inspected, which can be useful when making claims for insurance to cover the repair work.
Barefoot Floors can also write up letters and provide further info to any tenants or landlords who want to know what it going on and why. Barefoot Floors can take all the hassle out of trying to convince a group of people or an insurance agency that injection is the most effective solution for drummy, loose or tenting tiles.
So what's next?
If you are experience issues with drummy or loose tiles- whether you are a landlord, tenant, body corporate member or building manager, you can request a free inspection and quote, as well as any other information you may need by contacting us today.