Covering drummy tiles with timber flooring
Do you have drummy tiles and want to change your floor to timber or timber laminate flooring? Before you lay your new floor, you will need to fix your drummy tiles
Fixing drummy tiles before laying timber or laminate flooring
It is becoming more and more common for people looking to refresh the look of their floors by installing timber flooring or laminate flooring over the top of their existing floor tiles. If those tiles are drummy, loose or tenting, it can cause significant issues with your new flooring down the track.
How do you know if you can install flooring over your tiles?
The easiest way to check your tiles before you install laminate or timber flooring is to tap your tiles with either a golf ball or a rubber ended screwdriver. If you hear a hollow sound in any area of the tile, this is a sure sign of de-lamination.
So what are the options if drummy tiles are found?​
Any floor installer worth their salt will not install any type of flooring over tiles if they are drummy or showing signs of de-lamination. If these tiles are not removed or repaired before laying the new flooring, it could cause significant issues down the line. As more tiles move and shift under pressure, they can cause the flooring to lift and move in turn, meaning your floor can quickly start to come apart.
If you have drummy tiles, you have two options- 1. Lift up all damaged tiles and re-lay/re-level or 2. Inject your drummy tiles.
If you decide to lift up your tiles, the installers will need to jackhammer up the affected tiles, which is a messy, noisy and wasteful process. The tiles will then need to be replaced, or the floor will need to be re-levelled to allow for the new flooring to be installed.
This video clearly shows the difference before & after between drummy floor tiles and tiles injected using our tile injection system.
So what about tile injection?​
Tile injection offers a much simpler, hassle-free option when looking to restore drummy tiles before laying new flooring. The de-laminated tiles need to be fully re-bonded to the slab before flooring is installed. Rather than ripping up all the affected tiles, Barefoot Floors can inject the affected tiles with our special adhesive. The adhesive is injected at pressure, to fill all available voids underneath the tiles. Once this adhesive dries (usually 2-3 hours), your tiles will be ready to go.
Tile injection creates no noise, mess or dust, and you can stay in your home whilst the process takes place. This can save you time, money and hassle without the need to arrange for waste removal, furniture removal or re-location whilst the work is being carried out. .
Will it last or will I need to do it all again down the track?
Our tile injection system comes backed with a 7 year guarantee. We have been restoring people's tiles for over 11 years now and weve never had a single tile come loose after being injected. Once your tiles injected you can rest easy knowing your new timber laminate or timber flooring will remain intact and unaffected by drummy tiles.
For a free quote, contact us below and we can inspect your floor and work with your flooring installer to get your tiles fixed ASAP. We service Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane and the Tweed Coast.